Jobes Fertilizer

Jobes Tree & Shrub Stakes 15-3-3 (5 pack)

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Jobes Tree & Shrub Stakes 15-3-3 (5 pack)

5 pack, Specially Formulated for all Deciduous Trees & Shrubs


Easy to insert around the tree’s dripline, the slow-release formula lasts all season. The pre-measured spikes make fertilizing easy with no measuring, hazardous chemicals or smells. .




If soil is dry, water throughly before inserting.

Use three (3) spikes for every two (2) inches (5.0 centimeters) diameter of tree trunk measured at chest height

With plastic driving cap, tap spikes into ground, spaces evenly at tree's dripline. (Dripline is directly below the ends of the tree's longest branches.)

When spike is even with ground, remove cap and continue to tap spike to at least two (2) inches below soil surface.

Use of protective eyewear is suggested. Note: Never insert spikes closer than two (2) feet from tree trunk. If dripline is less than 2 feet, insert at 2 feet from trunk.

Best results are obtained with three yearly applications: spring, mid-summer and fall.

Sore in dry place and use soon after purchase. 


5 Spikes. Net Wt. 20 Oz. (1 lb. 4 oz.)