Lake Valley Seed

Pepper Hot Tabasco (Extra Hot) Heirloom

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  • Regular price $2.49

Pepper (Hot), Tabasco

Item 1934

Capsicum frutescens

Famous for its use in sauces, tabasco pepper features juicy fruit and a spicy bite. The prolific bushy plant produces long, tapered fruits that turn from green to orange to red as they ripen.

Scoville Heat Units: 30,000-50,000

Planting & Harvesting

Seed Depth: 1/4″ (6mm)

Plant Space: 24″ (61cm)

Row Space: 36″ (91cm)

Sprouts In: 10-20 days

Unless you live in a year-round warm climate, start seeds indoors eight to ten weeks before last frost. Keep soil temperature warm (75-80°F) for best germination. Harden off young plants ten days before transplanting and plant outdoors in late spring.

Tabasco peppers are decorative as well as edible. Plant in a container mixed with flowers for your deck or patio