5 Step Lawn Care Program for Warm Season Grasses
Southern Grasses: Bermuda, Zoysia, and Buffalo
Let us help you get that yard looking it's best! We have the ultimate Do-It-Yourself program, everything you need to weed, feed, protect, and winterize your lawn for 12 month period. And save plenty of money too. You can pick up or we will store it for you and call or email you when your next application is needed.
If you have more then 5,000 square feet to treat, then you can buy multiple packages. If you have more then 5,000 square feet to treat, then you can buy multiple packages.
Lawn Care Program UPC / Regular Price: $ 152.95 _ Early Season Sign-up $122.36
Step #1: March through April
Hi-Yield™'s Turf & Ornamental, Weed & Grass Stopper'
Use in ornamental landscape areas established lawns and ornamental turf. It can be applied up to 4 weeks later than other pre-emergence Crabgrass preventers. Works by killing the young seedlings as they germinate.
Step #2: April through May
Fertilome's 'Pro Green, Lawn Tonic'
It helps promote vigorous plant growth. Apply any time during the growing season. Has additional sulfur and iron for a fast green-up and a thicker, greener lawn. Covers up to 5,000 sq. ft.
Step #3: May through August "YOUR CHOICE"
Fertilome's HuMic Granular Acid
It helps best to break down thatch. This organic source of Nitrogen provides one of the primary nutrients required by plants to sustain growth. A Highly concentrated soil conditioner. Derived from remains of decomposed organic plant materials, humic acids enhance nutrient uptake and stimulate soil microbial life. Humic Acid encourages root development. Covers up to 4,000 sq. ft.
Hi-Yield™'s 'Bug Blaster Plus, Above & Below'
This one kills insects above and below ground. Apply early to kill grubs and crane fly larvae or apply when above-ground insects are present. Kills Ants, Grubs, Mole Crickets, Chinch Bug, fleas, ticks and other listed insects. Apply and Water-In immediately. Covers up to 5,000 sq. ft.
Step #4: September through October
Fertilome's 'Winterizer, for Established Lawns'
Apply in the fall. It enables the turf to withstand the rigors of winter better and easier. Its effects are similar to putting on an overcoat in the winter. Applying extra potash enables warm-season grasses to come through winter better and be healthier in the spring. Builds hardiness, stem strength, and disease resistance insuring a healthy, stable plant to better survive winter. Covers up to 5,000 sq. ft.
Step #5: November through December 'YOUR CHOICE'
2nd Application of Fertilome's 'Winterizer for Established Lawns'
Made especially for Kansas lawns. Builds hardiness, stem strength, and disease resistance insuring a healthy, stable plant to better survive winter. Covers up to 5,000 sq. ft.
Fertilome's 'Weed-Out Plus Lawn Fertilizer'
It provides excellent post-emergent broadleaf weed control on cool and warm-season grasses. It contains three weed killers to stop Dandelions, Spurge, Dollar Weed, Wild Onion, Henbit, Chickweed, Clover and over200 broadleaf weeds. Covers up to 5,000 sq. ft.