Summer Iris Sale

Bearded Iris (6.5-inch pot)

SALE Price $6.99  /reg. $9.99

Bearded Iris is one of the most popular perennials in gardens throughout the world. The endless array of colors and sizes makes them a versatile and show-stopping element of any garden.
They are loved by many because they are easy to grow, deer-resistant, they multiply each year, and many are re-bloomers, putting on a colorful show in the garden twice in one season.

Bearded Iris' are classified into several types:
  • Miniature dwarf (height 8 inches or less, 1 to 2-inch diameter flowers)
  • Standard dwarf (height 8 to 15 inches)
  • Intermediate (height 16 to 27 inches)
  • Miniature tall (height 16 to 25 inches, small flowers)
  • Border (height 16 to 27 inches)
  • Tall (height 28 to 38 inches)

The shorter Iris flower first, followed by the intermediate, and then the taller Iris.

Bearded Iris prefers at least 6-8 hours of sunlight a day. They also, prefer to be planted in well-drained soil. To improve drainage, enriched the soil with Cotton Burr Compost, plant on a slope, or in a raised bed. 

Make sure to give your iris' a lot of water right after planting. This helps to remove any air pockets in the soil and gives your Iris a better chance of strong growth. 

Once established, Bearded Iris does not require regular watering. 

It is recommended, planting 12-24 inches apart, as planting too close together results in poor flowering. Be sure to keep your garden free of weeds and other debris to give your Iris as much sun as possible

Before flowering, water plants occasionally to keep the soil moist but not soaking. Reblooming Iris should be watered during the summer, while Spring-flowering Iris will tolerate drought.

Iris responds to shallow (1 to 2 inches) cultivation and should not be mulched. 

After flowers fade, cut flower stalks back to an inch or two above the rhizome to prevent seed formation. For Reblooming Iris, after the second bloom fades in fall, cut leaves 6 to 8 inches from the ground, especially if foliage disease occurs.

Re-blooming irises grow faster than regular irises, so unlike the standard bearded iris, you'll need to divide them more often. To prevent overcrowding, divide re-blooming iris every 2 to 3 years, take only the outside rhizomes of the plant. Leave the healthy older portions of the plant intact. Replant the small rhizomes 12 to 18 inches apart.

Re-blooming iris are not always guaranteed to bloom. It often depends on geographic location, soil, and climate conditions. 

Re-blooming iris can also vary from year after year. They are heavy feeders, requiring a little more water and fertilizer because they need an extra boost to flower again. Re-bloomers require a little more care than the standard bearded iris but are worth the effort.


We carry five varieties:

Red Zinger - Plum-red petals with a dark blotch and contrasting orange beards. 

Star Woman -  1/2" Dark black violet rim and silvery-white center,

Parting Glances - Standards are old gold, center blended/rouged medium violet to plum with a dark-burgundy edge

Devil's Playground - A blend of deep burgundy and creamy yellow. 

Ming -  Fragrant blooms flowers with upright lemon standards and drooping creamy fall petals edged in lemon.


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