Prairie Blossom

Cryptanthus Fosterianus_Elaine

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Cryptanthus fosterianus 'Elaine'

Native range: Natural to Brazil

Hardiness: Best kept above 60°F

Mature Size: ~1' tall, ~2' wide

Light: Bright morning sun, dappled light, artificial light, colors best with morning sun or under bright grow light.

Water: Keep soil evenly moist, can dry out briefly 

Soil: Standard potting mix. Benefits from added perlite/pumice.

Dormancy Period: N/A

Pet-Safe: Yes

The bright pink, variegated form of Cryptanthus fosterianus features stiff, serrated leaves adorned with striking white stripes. If your plant starts turning green, it’s likely not receiving enough light.

Although sometimes mislabeled as succulents, they are only moderately drought-tolerant and do not store enough moisture to withstand prolonged dry periods.

This plant produces "pups" on top of the mother plant rather than at its base. These offsets can detach easily, but simply placing them back in the soil allows them to root and grow into new plants.

For the best color, provide morning sun or a very bright grow light—making it an excellent choice for a colorful terrarium.