Prairie Blossom

PBN Parsnip Hollow Crown

  • Sale
  • Regular price $1.59

Parsnip 'Hollow Crown' Tablespoon

HEIRLOOM. The mild, white flesh is fine-grained.

This parsnip develops a sweet, nutty flavor after frost. Mature roots are 12" long and 3" thick. Does best in deeply prepared soil.

  • Heirloom
  • Harvest Time: 100 days
  • Planting Depth: 1/2”
  • Row Plant Spacing: 6”
  • Row Spacing: 12”

Harvest after a hard frost or in early spring before new growth starts. To harvest in spring, place a 3 to 5 inch soil mulch over the parsnips. Parsnips are not poisonous if harvested in early spring.