Prairie Blossom

PBN White Dutch Clover (Trifolium Repens)

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White Dutch Clover (Trifolium Repens)

A perennial clover that is used as a cover crop.

 White Dutch Clover designates a strain of white clover which is perennial. Used in lawns, as a ground cover, cover crop, for erosion control, and in pasture mixtures. Usually matures around 8 inches tall. White Dutch clover is the most popular clover seeds used for lawns. 

Many homeowners include White Dutch clover in their lawn seed mixture because clover sprouts fast and grows so dependably that it's a valuable aid in getting a new lawn started. White dutch clover is the most popular clover seed for lawn alteratives, due to the fact it is cheap. White clovers are good for lawns since nodules on the roots fix nitrogen from the air. Actually, up to 1/3 the nitrogen your lawn needs can be obtained from white dutch clover! Grows vigorously even in poor clay subsoil around new home construction. If you want all the benefits of a cover crop but don't want to till early or mow, clover is your best bet.

Getting a good stand of white dutch clover seeds is a first and critical step to success with this high quality, persistent crop. Since white clover is usually grown with a cool season perennial grass (may be planted alone too), it is usually either seeded at the same time as the grass or seeded into an existing grass stand. Regardless of when it is seeded, certain principles and practices are important for success.

Seeding Rate: 

Seeding rates vary with geographic location, seeding method, and seeding mixture. In general, rates 1/4 - 1/2 lb per 1000 square feet or 8 to 10 lbs per acre are recommended.
