Marigolds brighten the garden with their bright yellow and orange blooms atop bright green foliage. These highly scented plants release a pungent fragrance when brushed. Marigolds attract butterflies and other flying insects, adding both movement and beauty to the garden.
Marigold contains thiopene, a chemical toxic to many soil-borne pests. Thiopene gives marigold its distinctive odor and flavor, which makes it practically immune to garden pest problems.
Insects are repelled by the strong, chemical odor of marigold. Soft-bodied, sucking insects, like aphids, are particularly adverse to the chemical smell and flavor of marigold. Marigold is very effective against carrot root fly.
Marigold contains thiopene, a chemical toxic to many soil-borne pests. Thiopene gives marigold its distinctive odor and flavor, which makes it practically immune to garden pest problems.
French marigolds bush out to 6 to 12 inches high, with 2 inch flowers. Colors are red, gold and yellow.